Sunday 19 April 2015


The end of an era.Appleby's bookshop in Morpeth will soon be closing. It was my first bookshop.I remember one of my first books was Lawrence Durrell's "Bitter Lemons" about Cyprus. I never read anything more by him. I also bought, for 10/6d in 1965 John Rewald's biography of Cezanne which I read very quickly and then followed up with attempts to do Cezanne like watercolours.
This was before the Wallace family took over. In their time the shop seemed to expand a bit-onto the first floor. They eventually brought over container loads of books from the USA so it was a wonderful place to find art catalogues.
On the rare occasions when I bought a new book Appleby's could be much quicker in getting it than any high street chain.
There is now I think only one independent bookshop selling new books in Northumberland.That is 25 miles away in Hexham.Looking North-as I frequently do the next independent is at Newton St Boswells-which is into the Borders past Jedburgh.